Wellness Tips

The Wellness Committee will post a helpful tip or link in our Wellness Tip help section.  This tip is meant to introduce you to an important component of wellness or inform you on an area where you may wish to learn more.  Please consider these tips as informational only and speak to your doctor before applying or implementing anything read within our wellness tips.


Tip #1

Childhood Obesity - An Alarming Statistic

Childhood obesity is climbing at an alarming rate.  Review the link below to learn more about childhood obesity, but most importantly consider the Resources at the bottom of the page for how you and your family can help eat right and get active in easy, fun ways!  



Tip #2

Healthy Eating and Food Allergies

Visit this website to learn all about healthy eating tips with kids and new ideas for how to introduce healthy eating into your family routine.  Also included is information on food allergies, what to look for, and alternatives when a food allergy exists. 



Tip #3

Sleep and Healthy Living

Lack of sleep is often a factor that plagues many children.  The CDC has many recommendations on healthy sleeping techniques, hours, etc for children.  Healthy sleeping habits can help eliminate countless other health concerns.  Visit the CDC's website to learn more. 



Tip #4

Active Kids & Eating

Feeding your active child can often be a challenge.  What to eat when on the go, how much to eat before a practice or activity, or how to fill them up when they are go, go go.  The link below provides resources to help with balancing active lifestyles and good snacks.  Physical activity is key to child development, this link will also provide ideas on how to get and stay active with your family. 
